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ar_debugGoogleÜberprüft, ob ein technischer Debugger-Cookie vorhanden ist. 3 MonateHTTP-Cookie
1.gifUsercentrics GmbHWird verwendet, um die Anzahl der Sitzungen auf der Website zu zählen, was für die Optimierung der Bereitstellung von CMP-Produkten erforderlich ist. SitzungPixel-Tracker
announcementwww.sorat-hotels.comCookie, welches für die Grundfunktionen der Webseite notwendig ist. Es dient zur Steuerung einer Einblendung mit Hinweistext.1 TagHTTP-Cookie
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fe_typo_userwww.sorat-hotels.comBehält die Zustände des Benutzers bei allen Seitenanfragen bei.SitzungHTTP-Cookie
resolutionwww.sorat-hotels.comLegt fest, welches Gerät vom Besucher verwendet wird - Dadurch kann sich die Webseite auf die optimale Auflösung für das jeweilige Gerät einstellen.SitzungHTTP-Cookie
Präferenz Cookies ermöglichen einer Webseite sich an Informationen zu erinnern, die die Art beeinflussen, wie sich eine Webseite verhält oder aussieht, wie zum Beispiel Ihre bevorzugte Sprache oder die Region in der Sie sich befinden.
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ds-times-countercdn.dialogshift.comDieses Cookie wird benutzt, um festzustellen, wann der Besucher zuletzt eine andere Unterseite auf der Website besucht hat – das Cookie wird auch einen Zeitstempel erstellen, wenn die Sitzung beginnt.SitzungHTML Local Storage
ds-csrfcdn.dialogshift.comNotwendig für die Funktionalität der Chat-Box-Funktion der Webseite.7 TageHTTP-Cookie
Statistik Cookies helfen Webseiten Besitzern zu verstehen, wie Besucher mit Webseiten interagieren, indem Informationen anonym gesammelt und gemeldet werden. Die Benutzung von Google Analytics erfolgt auf der Grundlage des Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. a. DSGVO. Rechtsgrundlage für die Datenverarbeitung mit Google Analytics ist Art. 6 Abs.1 S.1 lit. a DSGVO. Diese Cookies dürfen folglich nur aktiviert werden, wenn über das Cookie Banner zuvor das Einverständnis eingeholt wurde.
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mapbox.eventData.uuid:#MapboxWird im Zusammenhang mit der Kartenintegration der Website verwendet. DaWird im Zusammenhang mit der Kartenintegration der Website verwendet und von von Mapbox für Abrechnungszwecke verwendet.Wird im Zusammenhang mit der Kartenintegration der Website verwendet und von von Mapbox für Abrechnungszwecke verwendet.s Cookie speichert die Interaktion des Benutzers mit der Karte, um deren Funktionalität zu optimieren.BeständigHTML Local Storage
mapbox.eventData:#MapboxWird im Zusammenhang mit der Kartenintegration der Website verwendet und von von Mapbox für Abrechnungszwecke verwendet.BeständigHTML Local Storage
ds-teaser-displaycdn.dialogshift.comRegistriert statistische Daten über das Verhalten der Besucher auf der Webseite. Wird vom Webmaster für interne Analysen verwendet.SitzungHTML Local Storage
_gaGoogleRegistriert eine eindeutige ID, die verwendet wird, um statistische Daten dazu, wie der Besucher die Website nutzt, zu generieren.2 JahreHTTP-Cookie
_ga_#GoogleSammelt Daten dazu, wie oft ein Benutzer eine Website besucht hat, sowie Daten für den ersten und letzten Besuch. Von Google Analytics verwendet.2 JahreHTTP-Cookie
Marketing Cookies werden verwendet, um Besuchern auf Webseiten zu folgen. Die Absicht ist, Anzeigen zu zeigen, die relevant und ansprechend für den einzelnen Benutzer sind und daher wertvoller für Publisher und werbetreibende Drittparteien sind.
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Sorat Hotels DE
SORAT Hotel reception


Book Best Price


The contact details of our individual hotels can be found on our website hotel directory or using the following links:

SORAT Hotel Berlin
SORAT Hotel Brandenburg
SORAT Hotel Cottbus
Auszeit Frühstückshotel Düsseldorf
Hotel Conti Duisburg
ferrotel Duisburg
Hotel Central Hof
Hotel Agneshof Nürnberg
SORAT Hotel Saxx Nürnberg
SORAT Insel-Hotel Regensburg


There are some ways to make a reservation with us. Visit our reservation website or use the button book best price. You can also make reservations by calling our reservation office:


If you have to cancel your reservation, click on the cancel button. You will be redirected to our online booking page. Our reservation team will also be very happy to help: Phone + 49 30 – 21 90 23 76. Monday - Friday 09:00 am - 06:00 pm

Select Hotel

Hotel review

If you want to comment on your recent stay, visit our online review page or our review centre.


Are you interested in special deals? Visit our newsletter page including order or cancellation newsletter service.


Find answers to the most commonly asked questions:

Where can I find the hotel contact details?

The contact details can be found on the hotel overview page or hotel directory.

Is breakfast already included in the price?

The breakfast is only included, if indicated in the description.

Is the price mentioned per person or per room?

The mentioned price is meant per room per night.

At what time can I check in?

Usually any international check in is at 03:00 pm and the arrival should not be later than 06:00 pm. Early check-in is possible on request for an extra charge. At a late arrival the hotel should be informed. Please be advised that on the departure date the rooms must be left by 11:00 am, however at some hotels the check out time can be different. Please ask for an explicit time of check out at the reception.

Do children stay free?

Child policies may vary. Please check the hotel website in file menu rooms, select hotel information in the submenu content for specific child policy information. Breakfast offers are listed on all individual hotel websites, too. Select dining at the top of the page, followed by breakfast in the submenu content. In many of our hotels the maximum number of extra beds or cribs in a room is one. You can ask for a crib or extra bed to be put in the room during your online reservation via our website. Any type of extra bed or crib is upon request and needs to be confirmed by the hotel. Some family friendly hotels also offer a special room type for families. If no information is listed, please contact the hotel directly or call our central reservations office for more information.

Are there car parking? How much does it cost?

At some hotels private parking is available on site or public car parks are available. Reservation is not possible or is not assured. Charges apply.

Are pets allowed?

A number of SORAT Hotels allow pets for a fee. Please note that for hygienical reasons pets are not allowed in restaurant areas.

Do you offer free wifi?

Wifi is free of charge in all SORAT Hotels.

Can I amend my room or cancel?

To speed up the process correctly, for any amendments or cancellations concerning your reservation, please contact the booked hotel and indicate your reservation number. Please be advised that any special offers or deals cannot accept your amendment or cancellation.

How much is the cancellation fee?

The cancellation fees apply according to your booking details and confirmation.

Will I receive a written confirmation?

After the reservation at your preferred hotel you will receive a confirmation immediately. In addition you will receive a confirmation by e-mail.

How can I amend the arrival date?

In order to amend your arrival or departure date please click at booking date and enter the desired date or choose Change booking.

Where can I find reservation conditions?

For more information about payment and reservation options, please visit our terms as well as our rate description on our online reservation page.

Do I need a credit card to make a online reservation?

For special rates pre-payment by credit card is required.

What payment options do the hotels offer?

All SORAT Hotels accept cash in Euro, bank transfers, German debit or giro cards, Mastercard, Visa credit card, American Express and Union Pay. Visit our terms for more information about payment options.

What payment methods do you offer if I book online?

You can pay by major credit cards such as Visa Card, American Express, Mastercard. SORAT Hotels in Berlin, Brandenburg, Cottbus, Düsseldorf, Hof, Nuremberg, Regensburg you can also pay with Paypal. In addition Diners is accepted for bookings at the SORAT Hotels in Berlin, Cottbus, Regensburg. Depending on the rate type, payment can also be made on the spot in Euro cash, German debit or giro card, Union Pay or on account. Visit our terms for more information about payment options.

What do DEHOGA hotel stars mean?

In Germany, the formal hotel classification is defined by the German Hotel and Catering Industry Association [DEHOGA] and started 1996. The DEHOGA is using a five-star system. The hotel rating reaches from one star to five stars and describes offers and performances by hotels which are classified. The SORAT hotels are classified with three or four stars. A hotel with three stars stands for an accommodation for greater needs and a hotel with four stars for an accommodation for high demands.

Excerpt from hotel criteria catalogue three stars

  • Single room 14 sqm
  • Double room 18 sqm
  • Reception opened 14 hours
  • Accessible by phone 24 hours from inside and outside
  • Bilingual staff [German/English]
  • Three piece suite at the reception
  • Additional pillow and additional blanket on demand
  • Systematic complaint management system
  • Internet access

Excerpt from hotel criteria catalogue four stars

  • Single room 16 sqm
  • Double room 22 sqm
  • Reception opened 16 hours
  • Accessible by phone 24 hours from inside and outside
  • Lobby with seats and beverage service and hotel bar
  • Breakfast buffet or breakfast menu with room service
  • Minibar or 16 hours beverages via room service or drinks vending machine on each floor
  • Upholstered chair or couch with side table
  • Bathrobe and slippers on demand
  • Cosmetic products in the bathroom
  • Internet access

More about the criteria catalogue on the Hotelstars Union page.